You know what phase I hate. “Can you just shoot me an email?” or “I’ll just shoot her an email”. Nothing about the process of sending an email in any way relates to ‘shooting’. Some definitions of shoot are as follows;
to send forth missiles from a bow, firearm, or the like.
to be discharged, as a firearm.
to hunt with a gun for sport: He fishes, but he doesn't shoot.
to move or pass suddenly or swiftly; spurt: The car shot ahead and was soon out of sight.
Nautical. to acquire momentum and coast into the wind, as a sailboat in a confined area.
to grow forth from the ground, as a stem.
to put forth buds or shoots, as a plant; germinate.
Photography. to photograph.
Movies. to film or begin to film a scene or movie.
to extend; jut: a cape shooting out into the sea.
Sports, Games. a. to propel a ball, puck, etc., at a goal, basket, pocket, etc., or in a specific direction: He shot for the green with a five iron.
to propel a ball in a specific way: The center shoots left-handed.
to be felt by or flow through or permeate the body: Pain shot through his injured arm. Chills shot up and down her spine.
to carry by force of discharge or momentum: The missile left its pad and shot thousands of miles into space.
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